La neuvième semaine


Please see below for details on what the PYP French classes have been working on this week.

Grade 1/2: 

  • Learning how to say what clothes they are wearing on different occasions using the phrase "Je porte..."
  • Distinguishing between masculine and feminine and plural and singular clothing items using the following phrases "C'est un.. C'est une... Ce sont des..."
  • Working on clothing and color agreement e.g. un pantalon noir.. une robe bleue
Grade 1:

  • Learning how to say what clothes they are wearing and on what occasion using "Je porte..."
  • Working on paper doll activity to practice clothing vocabulary words. Students get to present their characters and say what the character is wearing.

  • Reviewing clothing items and saying what they are wearing using  "Je porte.."
  • Introduction to farm animals and singing songs to learn new farm animal vocabulary words e.g un mouton, un cochon, une vache.. etc.

  • Learning expression words such as "content" and "triste". Students are able to express how they feel that day by saying "Je suis content(e)" or "Je suis triste".
Have a great weekend!

Mlle. Jessica

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