
Please see below for details on what we did in French class this past week.

Grade 1 & 2:
  • Students worked on a worksheet where they had to count and color different items for 100 days of school
  • We reviewed action words we learned the previous week
  • Students discovered some inventions and their purpose for the Unit of Inquiry e.g. Invention: la télévision, Pourquoi? Pour regarder nos emissions favorites comme Star Wars, Power Rangers, Shopkins...
  • Students wrote in their journals what their favorite invention is

  • Students learned how to express their feelings: Je me sens content(e)...triste..fâché(e)... etc.
  •  They learned expressions with "AVOIR" such as J'ai faim (I'm hungry)... J'ai froid (I'm cold)... J'ai sommeil (I'm sleepy).. and what they do during each of these situations. For example: Quand j'ai faim, je mange.. Quand j'ai froid, je porte un manteau... Quand j'ai sommeil, je dors. They sang a song with actions related to these expressions. Please see the following link for the song     
  • Students did a patterning activity that involved cutting and pasting "les cochons"(pigs) into the proper column according to their pattern.
  • Students did an incredible job at naming animals from each category: marcher, nager, voler
  • They also worked on coloring activity sheets where they color only animals from the specified category. For example.. color the animals that swim or color animals that fly.

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