La 1er semaine de 2017!

Bonne année à tous! Happy New Year everyone!

Welcome back!

Please take a look at what we did the first week back from the winter break.

  • We talked about the Christmas break and what we did.
  • We started a new unit on transportation and learned the different types of transportation: ceux qui roulent/those that drive (le train, la voiture...), ceux qui flottent/those that float (le bateau), et ceux qui volent/those that fly (l'avion, l'hélicoptère..).

  • We talked about the Christmas break and what we did.
  • We reviewed the four seasons and worked on a seasons worksheet. For the worksheet, we got to draw/decorate the tree and show how the tree changes throughout the seasons.

Grade 1:
  • We talked about the Christmas break and what we did.
  • We also discussed about our New Year's resolutions (à la maison - at home, à l'école - at school, and avec mes amis - with my friends) and wrote in our journal book. For example: À la maison, je vais faire mes devoirs (At home, I will do my homework). À l'école, je vais écouter mes professeurs (At school, I will listen to my teachers). Avec mes amis, je vais être gentil(le) (With my friends, I will be kind).

Grade 2:
  • We talked about the Christmas break and what we did.
  • We also discussed and wrote about our New Year's resolutions (à la maison - at home, à l'école - at school, and avec mes amis - with my friends). For example: À la maison, je vais faire mes devoirs (At home, I will do my homework). À l'école, je vais écouter mes professeurs (At school, I will listen to my teachers). Avec mes amis, je vais être gentil(le) (With my friends, I will be kind).


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