La 6e semaine!


Below is a summary of what we did in French class this past week.

  • We are learning about fruits and vegetables as part of our UOI.

  • We played some fun games! We played what's missing and find the missing fruits. Mlle. Jessica hid all the fruits in the classroom and students had to go find them and name the fruits they found.

  • We continued to talk about farm animals and learned some new ones this week. Students were able to easily name the different types of farm animals we have learned in class and the sounds they make!

  • We practiced writing the names of the animals and coloring them.

  • We also worked on a cut and paste activity where students must identify the animals that live on the farm and paste them on the farm.

Grade 1:

  • We talked about responsibilities as part of our UOI. We discussed ways we can be responsible at school (e.g. Je porte mon uniforme. J'écoute mes professeurs..etc) Students were able to express how they can be responsible at school by forming a full sentence "Je suis responsable parce porte mon uniforme."

  • Students got to write in their journals how they are responsible at school.  


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