La semaine du 12 au 16 novembre


Please take a look at what we did in French class this past week.


We played a fun game of fruit salad to review fruit vocabulary.


We learned some vegetable vocabulary and talked about our favourite vegetable.

We sorted the fruits and vegetables according their category. We learned that tomato is actually a fruit!


We discussed the sense of sight, taste, and hearing. We talked about the two different flavours (e.g. le sucré et le salé) and what we can hear and what we cannot (e.g. J'entends. Je n'entends pas...). We used flash cards/pictures and classified them under the appropriate category and worked on cut and paste activities.

Grade 1:
We learned about the different types of dinosaurs, what their names mean, their physical attributes/what they have (e.g. des pattes, une queue, des cornes, un long cou, des dents, etc.), whether they are herbivore (il mange des plantes) or carnivore (il mange de la viande)...

We sang a song about dinosaurs:

We labelled and colored the different dinosaurs.

We played a fun game like the game of "Headbanz" where we guess the name of different dinosaurs by asking a bunch of yes/no questions (e.g. Est-ce que le dinosaur a des cornes? ...un long cou? ...des plaques? Est-ce qu'il mange des plantes? la viande?).

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