Please take a look below at what we've been doing in the French classes this week.
continued to talk about fruits and vegetables. We completed sorting
activities and placed the fruits and vegetables in their correct
We played a fun game of Bingo to review fruit and vegetable vocabulary.
We continued to talk about the five senses (la vue, l'odorat, le goût, l'ouie, and le toucher). Students did a great job at identifying all of the five senses.
For the sense of taste, we learned about the four different flavours: sucré, salé, acide, and amer. We used flash cards to help us classify foods under the appropriate category.
We discussed the sense of smell: ça sent bon vs. ça sent mauvais. and We used pictures to classify various objects under the appropriate category and worked on cut and paste activities.
played a game of "Qui suis-je?". We practiced asking a bunch of yes/no questions (e.g. Est-ce que le dinosaur a des cornes? ...un long cou? ...des plaques? Est-ce qu'il mange des plantes? la viande?) and guessed the name of the dinosaurs.
We labeled the body parts of the different dinosaurs.
We completed a true/false activity about dinosaurs and corrected the false statements (e.g. Le Tricératops a deux cornes. Faux. Il a trois cornes!)
Have a wonderful weekend! Passez un merveilleux week-end!
-Mlle. Jessica
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