Here's an update of what we have been learning this past week in our primary French classes.
We learned about fruits as part of our UOI. We took turns saying the names of the fruits. We talked about our favourite fruit (e.g. J'aime la pomme "I like apple". J'aime la banane "I like banana".) and described what colour it is. We played fun games including "Qu'est-ce qui manque/What's missing?" and "La salade de fruits/Fruit salad" to review our vocabulary. We also sang a song about fruits "J'aime les fruits". You can check out the link here:
We continue to talk about farm animals. We talked about what products each of the farm animals provide (e.g. La poule nous donne des oeufs "Chicken gives us eggs". La vache nous donne du lait "Cow gives us milk"...). Students did an awesome job matching the products with the correct farm animals! We then completed a cut and paste activity where we had to paste the correct products to the farm animals. We also sang "Le vieux MacDonald a une ferme/Old McDonald had a farm": You can change the speed of the song if it is too fast by going to settings > speed.
We completed our daily responsibilities chart and talked about what we did at home each day to show that we are responsible (e.g. Je brosse mes dents "I brush my teeth". Je fais mon lit "I make my bed". Je range mes jouets "I tidy up my toys", etc.). We also made a chart to compare responsibilities at home and at school (see below for an example). We sang Gregg LeRock's "Responsable" song. We had so much fun singing the song. The students loved it! You can check out the link here:
À l’école |
J’écoute mon papa et ma maman.
J’écoute mes professeurs.
Je range ma chambre.
Je range ma salle de classe.
Je partage avec mon frère/ma soeur.
Je partage avec mes amis.
Je fais mes devoirs.
Je fais mon travail.
Have a great weekend! Bonne fin de semaine! :)
-Mlle. Jessica
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